I’ve got one last reader’s home to share this week. It’s actually a reader’s mom’s home. We received this email from Linn: I recently came back after visiting family in Sweden. My mom lives on the Baltic island of Gotland where she lives in a picturesque house, and the sunroom and patio in particular are just lovely. In the sunroom there is plenty of light and she has a huge dining table with room for many, classic Swedish rag rugs on the floor as well as other comfortable furniture and nice details. The sunroom leads directly out to a stone patio where there is a cement wall with real windows that block the wind, lots of candles and lanterns, and a great view. All in all, this space is just so charming and comfortable to spend time in, I’m beyond jealous myself! I’m jealous too! I am especially fond of the huge patio with the walls that make it look like another room of the home. I would spend every moment of decent weather out there. And it’s extra gorgeous with the candles and string of lights.
Oregonbird says:
Only thing missing is the fireplace set into one of those outer walls. The personal style is impeccable.
Andi says:
This is horrendous! Why on earth would this be on a decor blog?????
Maria says:
I love the patio with the wall and windows! There is nothing like a nice summer evening/night by the baltic sea in Scandinavia!
AML says:
I love the look of the sun room.The theme is inspiring; the home owner personal style is really reflected from the rugs, the furniture and the lighting.Thanks for the idea!
thecitygourmand says:
It's quite shambolic inside but the patio area is nice, reminds me of a country b&b. And eco-friendly too, wind turbines in the background 😉