Jo and I have always expressed our love for church conversions, and this one is one of the most beautiful churches (built in 1881 and located in Kent, U.K.) we have ever featured. The furniture is a bit hand-me-down/garage-sale so ignore all that, and just imagine what you could do to the interior. The bedroom setup is incredible. That’s possibly the best headboard EVER 🙂 Currently for sale via The Modern House.
Lorraine says:
It really is a shame that this was used for less than 140 years as a church; not that long at all. Given the hugeness of it and the nice materials used it seems like a waste to not use it for the purpose intended. It would probably be best to convert it into an apartment building, but that would take lots of money. But hey, it would cost a lot of money just to live there and heat the place.
Rainy says:
I have always found churches to be creepy, generally speaking.