Pinch me it’s a dream

Posted on Thu, 30 May 2019 by midcenturyjo

My house is in uproar. Dust and paint drips, kitchen contents in the dining room, clothes racks in the living room. I’m in the throes of a major renovation and all I want to do is escape. Alas I can only take a virtual getaway but what a destination! The stunning stone masseria in Sicily called Dimora delle Balze has eleven hotel rooms in total. I can’t make up my mind which one I like the most but seeing this is a daydream I can linger long enough to try them all. Meet you in the gardens for a long lunch extending into the warm evening.

Elizabeth Andrus says:

A vision of heaven on earth. Just looking at the pics makes me feel like I’m carried away in a dream…sigh.

carlos xavier pinheiro matos dos reis says:

So charming.

Pete says:

Looks great – but sadly had quite a number of bad reviews for poor service and maintenance issues with facilities.

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