Week after week we are compelled to stay home in these dangerous times. Some of us have no choice but to go out into the big, bad world to help others or keep the wheels turning. Strangely we are all heroes. Those who bravely work and those who responsibly stay in to stop the spread of COVID-19. Our thoughts though should also turn to those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. They are the often forgotten victims of this tragedy. One day, on the other side, I hope we all have somewhere we can whinge about when we drag ourselves into work on a weekend. It won’t matter if it’s stylish or butt ugly. What will matter is that life returns to “normal” and if we’re lucky towards something a little better, a little kinder, a little more stable. Oh and I lied. It’s always better to go to work on a Saturday somewhere stylish like these sophisticated offices by Henry Francis Design.
axie says:
Work there? I could actually move in and live there- sleek kitchen, skylights, floorlights, wine rack (definite upgrade from my wine rack for sure 🙂 ‘dining table’, indoor- outdoor space, etc. Just beautiful.
Also beautiful is your sentiment, Jo. My hopes also.
Rainy says:
Stylish indeed! I felt the sophistication wrapped around me as I admired the photographs. Thanks!
Henry Francis says:
Thanks for sharing our project Kim & Jo, glad you like it, we imagined it as and office that felt like working from home.