Oh no tagged!

Posted on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 by midcenturyjo

Drey from Bijou Kaleidoscope, a fellow Aussie design blogger tagged us today to tell 7 things about ourselves. So as Kim is fast asleep I’ll jump in first and do 3. Kim you don’t mind doing 4 do you?

1. That’s Mickey. Kelvin (my husband) and I share our 2 bedroom apartment with him. I love him to death not just because he is such a good looking beast but because he is also my husband’s guide dog. Kelvin lost his sight at 18 due to an accident.

2. Enough about my husband! This is supposed to be about me. I used to be a medical student but I saw the light and became an interior designer.

3. I was in Berlin (on a surgical elective) when the wall came down and I can remember when man walked on the moon. Now that last one really ages me!

And as my gift to the blogosphere I decline to tag 7 (or 3)others. (Does anyone else delete those chain emails? My trash is full of them!) But this was fun as long as it is only 3 things. Your turn Kim.

Gee thanks Jo. Ok here goes:

1. When I started university, my folks moved to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Luckily, my twin sister and I got to stay behind. Spent 3 summers and 1 spring break there though. Was quite an experience…loved the almost 24 hours of daylight.

2. I was born in the wrong country – maybe even the wrong continent. This is because I hate winter with every ounce of my being. I’ve lived here in Ottawa all my life and although the winters have gotten better over the years, I find it harder and harder to live through them.

3. I would die without pasta, or carbs in general. I blame being half-Italian for that.

4. The 3 years I spent in college taking computer science were the worst 3 years of my life. It was hell and I cringe everytime I think about it. It was WAY too much work. I did more work in one semester there than I did in the whole 3 years I spent getting a bachelor degree in Psychology.

Shelly Reihl David

Posted on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 by midcenturyjo

This is one of my favourite vignettes. It’s the work of Shelly Reihl David. We’ve featured one or two of these images before. It’s time to take a closer look at her portfolio. The scope of her firm’s work ranges from dramatic European and Italian decor to the look of modern Hollywood glamour in a contemporary setting. Her rooms are glamorous and sophisticated and the use of colour is inspirational. At the same time these are livable spaces that have a sense of fun as well as drama.

Images from Shelly Reihl David

Soucie Horner

Posted on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 by midcenturyjo

Shea Soucie and Martin Horner are the principals of the Chicago design firm Soucie Horner. Specializing in high-end residential interior architecture and design, Soucie Horner focuses on creating an environment that refines their client’s lifestyle through design. “The goal of the Soucie Horner, Ltd. design philosophy is to design beautiful environments that complement the interior architecture of the homes which create spaces that best represent the lifestyle needs of each individual client.” Whether deco, eclectic, tribal or rustic their style showcases the lushness that layering brings to a space. Vignettes and groupings. Textiles and object d’art.

Images from Soucie Horner

What! More retro!

Posted on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 by midcenturyjo

Time for more inspiration or desperation from Windows Beautiful. Your complete guide to window treatments. How to plan, measure, and buy or make them. Decorating and energy ideas. Volume VII, Kirsch Company, 1980, Sturgis, Michigan. Check out that red pool room. Yeah baby!

Images scanned from “Windows Beautiful. Your complete guide to window treatments. How to plan, measure, and buy or make them. Decorating and energy ideas. Volume VII”, Kirsch Company, 1980, Sturgis, Michigan

Shane Reilly

Posted on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 by midcenturyjo

Shane Reilly’s design aesthetic is casual elegance. She has a natural eye for style and color and this shines through in her elegant liveable interiors. With offices in both New York and San Francisco she is also the author of Inspired High-End Interior Design a unique opportunity to hear high-end designers reveal what inspired them and how they pulled it together. If this wasn’t enough for this talented designer she blogs!

Images from Shane Reilly Inc