Indian dreaming

Posted on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 by midcenturyjo

This photograph takes me away to the sensory overload that is India. A homage to all things eastern. The senses are challenged but it is a place to relax. The image is captured beautifully by photographer Simon Upton. Admire his portfolio here.


Posted on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 by midcenturyjo

I used to crave this.

Scott Van Dyke Photography

Now I can’t live without this! What’s happening? Is it old age? Is there a cure?

Image scanned from Practical Decorating Ideas, Ure Smith, Sydney 1973

Lara Hutton

Posted on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 by midcenturyjo

Fabulous portfolio from fabulous Australian stylist Lara Hutton. Interiors, fashion and advertising. Check out her work at The Names Agency.

Images from The Names Agency

More office offerings

Posted on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 by midcenturyjo

I couldn’t stop! Once I started looking for office ideas it seemed like my files were full of them. Slick and modern, glam and traditional. What’s your style of workspace?

Clash crash and colour

Posted on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 by midcenturyjo

Brace yourself for the clash of the pattern and the knock out punch of the colours. The 60s and 70s at their not so subtle OTT best. Some are just so right and many are oh so so wrong. Once again these are scanned from that extraordinary style source Practical Decorating Ideas, Ure Smith , Sydney 1973.