Brace yourself for the clash of the pattern and the knock out punch of the colours. The 60s and 70s at their not so subtle OTT best. Some are just so right and many are oh so so wrong. Once again these are scanned from that extraordinary style source Practical Decorating Ideas, Ure Smith , Sydney 1973.
kim. says:
Fabulously hideous. For the most part. And hilarious. Love the shelving/divider in first pic.
J Lee says:
Wow.. looks like a rainbow burst in these rooms! 🙂
casapinka says:
Oh, but they are all so fun to look at!
eric says:
what is the deal with that lava rug? i love it.
Anonymous says:
Hi Ji
Love it, love it, love it!
Greg Natale
midcenturyjo says:
Hey Greg!! How was the trip? Glad to hear from you. Thought work had devoured you! Knew you’d like these rooms.
Anonymous says:
Hi Jo
I am good, i sent you pics from my holiday, didnt you get them?
midcenturyjo says:
No I didn’t get any pics 🙁 I was wondering what happened. Glad you’re going well. I’m assuming that’s you Greg 🙂