Here we are together at last…… and this is where we’ll be from October 1 for the week. Yes we’re guest blogging on design*sponge! How exciting!!!! But don’t worry we’re gluttons for punishment. We’ll still be posting here for the week so it’ll be a double dose of desire to inspire. ( As Kim and I have never met I thought I’d draw us together. It’ll be a while before we can get together for a photograph!)
P.S. Kim’s the one with the short hair.
Florence says:
I love your site, always full of inspiration, nice design, wonderfull decoration… thank you very much for offering that blog to us !
kim. says:
Awww, what sweet comments!!!
(Just to clarify, I do not have a huge zit on my nose – it’s a nose ring)
midcenturyjo says:
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Just to set the record straight I’m the one on the left and I’ve been very generous with my looks 😛
drey says:
hehehe i wondered who had the short hair!!!! thanks kim for clarifying your nose ring 🙂
such a great drawing!
susan says:
Good for you!! I’ll be sure to check in daily for a double dose of inspiration. Love the sketch. 🙂
kimslilsis says:
wow jo….that looks so much like her…you are very talented!
Anonymous says:
hate d*s
midcenturyjo says:
That’s a shame anonymous. I wonder why you bother to come here then. Guess you won’t be coming back here because we love d*s and really dislike your negativity. Bye bye!!
Anonymous says:
Congratuations on the guest blogg, this is only the beginning, you 2 truely inspire me everytime I get Desire to Inspire and you know no one has ever seen Samidole apartment, you are the first to publish it!
Greg Natale
Peggy says:
Too cute! Love it! I’d like to buy a postcard of it. Maybe you should put this pic in your banner. Jo, you are so talented. Kim – I like that you use it as your flickr buddy.