Sidsel wrote to tell us about an apartment in Denmark that is loaded with all sorts of great thrifted finds. A creative agency “Stupid Studios” is taking over the apartment to turn it into their office, but since the previous owner had such a knack of finding and displaying her thrift finds, they posted photos on their blog of what it looked like before they took it over. Since thrifting is one of my favourite pastimes, I LOVE to see what people can do with all the fantastic stuff they find. Many thanks to Sidsel for the link to this treasure trove of an apartment!
amy says:
Great post. I rather admire how you pull from other blogs.
And so I recently matched my favorite blogs to your blog roll, and couldn’t help but notice that some of your chosen “blogs we love” have disappeared, like MadebyGirl, Terramia, ThePeakofChic etc. Even if these blogs aren’t as active as yours, they are still full of excellent posts and deserve a thorough peruse. As such, they remain on my favorites list, along with some new additions. Just an observation for y’all.
Vie Chaotique says:
Hi love your site. So much gorgeous eye candy! Am new to the blogging world and only hopw we can get to your standards. Love to see things from Denmark, I miss it there so much!
kim. says:
Amy, because we are often asked from bloggers for a link swap and our list was getting very long, we decided to remove blogs that were not regularly posting, like MadeByGirl and Terramia, to save room for bloggers who do, so there is new content for our readers to check out often. (I don’t think Peak of Chic was ever on our list, but perhaps should be because we peruse it often).
kim. says:
Vie Chaotique, you’ve got a great start to your blog and wishing you lots of success with it in the future. It was our pleasure to “wink” you on Saturday. 🙂
tabitha.designs says:
Kim: you should divy up your blog roll like karen of k-style did. looks way more organized and has a more appealing layout (rather than just a random mix). you should be sharing your international readers. lots of people have your link so support them right back with a link to them! seems only fair!!
kim. says:
Thanks for the advice tabitha. We had considered ordering our blogroll based on country but decided on alphabetical. And we have many international blogs listed there (if you mean non-American, which our blog is). I would love to include links to all the blogs that link us, but, honestly, our blog would be VERY long and we’d have people complaining that we have too many in the list.
jo-anne - vancouver says:
Back to the rooms at hand! :o) When they get to cleaning the place out, that’s one rummage sale I’d give my eye teeth to attend!
kim. says:
YES, back to the post. jo-anne, I think it would be a shoving match between you and I at that rummage sale!
Daniel Gjøde says:
Hi there,
Thanks for posting my pics from our “new studio” .. Sally is still living in the building and we still get to enjoy her fantastic style… Maybe I should do some photos of her new flat?!… Actually we felt a bit sorry for taking over the apartment, but she decided to move herself 🙂
kim. says:
Thanks for commenting Daniel! And YESSSSSS you should get photos of her new flat! If it’s anything like this one….(!!!!!!)