Kim’s completed bedroom redo

Posted on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 by KiM

I’ve been working on redoing my bedroom for a while now, and it’s finally complete. Well, as complete as any room in my home can be, as I am often rearranging. But I’m pretty happy with the bedroom as it is now. Back in April I blogged about starting the bedroom and some of my ideas (and the demo of the huge closet that was in the room). Then a couple weeks later I managed to get the room painted, and blogged about it here. Slowly but surely the rest came together and I think I can call it done. I took some photos on Saturday, and boy was this room tough to photograph. The room is small (12’x11′ I think) and the pale pink walls looked white in most of the photos so I had to do some photoshopping to try and get some of them looking accurate. (And I’m not good at PS). So here it is….

P.S. I uploaded a bunch of photos on Flickr (here is my photostream and here is my bedroom set) if you want to see more details of the room.

kim. says:

Thanks Courtney!

I found you through heady shea as I saw your photo of your vintage camera collection on your fabulous wood table. *love* your blog my dear – simply marvelous!!!

I can't believe I missed this when you posted it!!! (I'm hoping you get an e-mail alert when people comment or you'll never know I'm commenting on this!)

Anyhow–It. Looks. A. Mazing. I ADORE your style – you even make knicknacks stylish, which in my book is a huge feat. This is truly inspiring.

kim. says:

🙂 Thanks Shannon!

Sheri says:

You have a beautiful collection of unique items! I came across this blog a while ago and cant stop thinking about this particular "vase" you have. That retro green vase with 4 or 5 holes at the top holding individual flowers… can you tell me where that came from? If there’s any inforamtion (brand name or year or whatever) on it? perhaps at the bottom? I’d really love to know so I can find one for myself. Much appreciated and thanks!!!

Again, you have great stuff! Keep it up! You’re lucky to find cool stuff! I dont even know where to begin 🙂

KiM says:

Sheri, that vase came from a local store, and I just checked the bottom of it and it has no markings unfortunately. I was in the store recently and I don’t think they carry it anymore. (P.S. It’s not vintage). I have seen similar vases on Etsy – you may want to try there.

Sheri says:

Thanks for replying quick! What store was it? I’m from Belleville, Ontario – not that far from Ottawa…
I’ll certainly try Esty… will try to figure out what to say in the search box.. it’s just unique!

Sheri says:

Sorry, one more thing… is it ceramic, plastic or something else?

KiM says:

It’s ceramic, and from Heavens to Betsy.

Kacie says:

Hello! These pictures are fabulous! I have fallen in love with your creative use of the headboard, and I would like to do the same thing in my bedroom. Where did you find it? Help!! Please email me your response. I really appreciate it! 🙂

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