Three things I love, Fridays (YAY!), all things Swedish, a really good photographer. OK how about one thing I really really love, an incredibly talented Swedish photographer on a Friday! Clive Tompsett is my new photographer crush. Clean, crisp, great light, interesting composition and the man can make IKEA look amazing. Got to love it!
ohhhmhhh says:
Yes, great pictures! And ohhh – I love the idea about the double-desk (can I call it like that? hope so). I have my own room in our apartment (because I have to work at home sometimes), but my boyfriend doesn’t have his own room. So he’s kind of lost where to put his paper stuff. The double-desk is so cute and offers him some space. Thanx for posting that! Maybe it’s a good christmas gift…
Have a lovely Friday (best day ever!)
oregonbird says:
The outdoor photos do it for me. Yes, the interiors are great, but… I want to be in those exteriors. The actual locations look fine — nothing spectacular — but the capture of mood and timelessness; yes, please.
Jennifer says:
Those are great 3 things to love!!!
That one image of the rocking chair – rocking … that’s kind of creepy. But I love the lighting in all his photos. Beautiful compositions.
Christine - Handmade Evolution says:
Beautiful photography. I am inspired by the image with the framed feathers. I picked up several interesting feathers on vacation in South Africa, but can’t display them in a vase because my cat will destroy them! Now I know what to do…
Desire to Inspire says:
Christine I had exactly the same "aha!" moment – Jo – just realised I’m not signed in as me.
jen jafarzadeh says:
swoon! these photographs are fantastic. I love IKEA, but sometimes when I get to the store, the products I’ve tagged do not wow. Amazing how a great photograph can make something that costs $10 look super luxe.
leigh says:
you might like the work of trevor dixon, as well.