If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to desiretoinspirekim[@]hotmail[.]com and PLEASE don’t send me closeups of your pet!!!)
“Stretch and Raymond (aka Buddy) here, with some pics from our cool San Francisco loft…”
“Raymond is more into modernism…”
“… while Stretch likes it a bit more eclectic:”
“This is Luigi, my little Pom. He definitely is spoiled, as you can see!”
– Andrea
“I’m attaching the picture of our turkish dog Yakamoz (his name means in Turkish “reflection of the moon on the sea”) on our antique armchair…”
– Marie-France
“This is my first time submitting to Pets on Furniture, and granted, the chickens arent usually allowed in the house, but it is 40 deg C in Perth today and they are only five weeks old. I put them in the lounge room in a crate and my almost four year old son decided they might like to watch tv. What the…!! I know you dont like close ups but I did include one as they are so little they were a bit hard to see on the chair, which by the way was a junk shop find we had covered in a fantstic Osborne and Little fabric. It perfectly matches the arches in our Moorish styed house. The brown chicken is an Isa Brown named Dodo, she is very sweet, the grey-ish one is a Lavender Arucana named Zia (the eggs that she will eventually lay will be blue) and the black one is a Silkie named Lice (yes, like head lice but that is what said almost four year old insists egg yolks are called).”
– Bridie
“This was taken on the first snowfall of the year. Henry LOVES snow and if he’s not playing in it, he’s watching it fall. Even though he knows he’s not allowed on the furniture he couldn’t resist the view out the window from our chair.”
– Danielle
“This here is my cat, Hollis. He loves a good Nelson bench.”
– Sue
“We rescued our 2-year-old Lab, Dublin, about 4 months ago and it didn’t take long for her to settle in and make herself at home on our comfy couches. The dog hair started to get outta control so we put down some soft fleece for her to lay on. She’s so comfy that at times when she actually lays down on the floor it seems odd!”
– Karen and Jake
“Here’s a picture of Max (L) & Maggie (R) sitting on our wicker furniture.”
– Scott
“I think what he was trying to say is “Are you serious?” When I kindly asked Fletcher to remove his doggie self from the chair I just finished re-doing, either that or “Get lost lady” I’m not sure…”
– Tobi
“Spot the cat.”
– Catherine
“i’d like to bring to your attention my pets on furniture – or rather, my pets on Doofs!! Mika is the Shih-Tzu and Disco is the tabby. unfortunately, Disco passed away recently from a third-storey fatal fall. we were devastated 🙁 however, we hope his legacy can live on through these images.”
– Johnny
Mandy says:
Oh, I love love love those chickens !!!!!
I would let them in too.
Andrea says:
Thanks for posting my pup, Luigi! Your blog is so amazing and inspiring!
Diane says:
They are all so adorable! They sure make a house a home!
Melissa says:
So cute! Does anyone know if the chair in the first picture has a specific style name or source? The olive green tufted chaise? I love it!
maryellen says:
Ah-dore pets on furn!
Tina says:
I have the same question as Melissa. I love it!!
Julia says:
Just checked with Stretchy & Raymond’s human (aka my good friend Loni):
she found this cool (& very comfortable) chaise at a San Francisco vintage store
– unfortunately, no labels or markings …
joanna says:
i always love these posts! they put such a big smile on my face and make me giggle! thank you.
lilly says:
i love cats and dogs!
this is my cat keith: http://coisadelilly.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/keith-conferindo-o-post-sobre-ele/
he’s in top of my computer
please, post it in your site!
i live in Brazil with my pets,
margarita says:
Pets truly makes a house a home, they love to be the center of attention and always look for the most confortable spot in the house to cuddle!!!
Regards from London