If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off…and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to desiretoinspirekim[@]hotmail[.]com and PLEASE don’t send closeups of your pet!)
This is Margot, my English Bull Terrier. She loves to sleep and eat. All day. All night. If you look closely under the chair, you can see Elmer, one of the three cats Margot lives with. That’s his favorite spot.
– Janne (Tvedestrand, Norway)
I love your Pets on Furniture posts and would love to see my Siamese Wedgehead boys Tyr and Thor on one of them! Here they are snuggled up together on my Womb chair, as they are every afternoon.
– Liv
Her name is Oakley, and this is HER SPOT. You sit there, and she will find a way to kick you out.
– Alex (Massachusetts)
This is our wing chair and our cat Thumper happens to be sitting on it.
– Bill
Penny is a year-old chihuahua terrier mix…the black part of her fur gets all over the couch and her white fur gets all over my black pants!
– Victoria
Our sheepadoodle, Gertie, lounges on the furniture better than most teenagers.
– Ellie & Amy (Chicago)
Photos from Houston pet photographer Robyn (her last bunch were in this post).
cow cat lounging by cow cat pillow (The cat’s name is Emmy)
– Andrea
A typical Monday morning, or Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, not on Saturday or Sunday because my husband is home and takes the couch………………….
– Maureen
This is our 4 year old Boxer, Cali. She is often a ball of energy, however, at this time, she was participating in an activity quite uncommon for her – relaxing!…. but as you can see, she still has one eye opened, just to make sure she doesn’t miss out on any fun!
– Kathy & Rob (Northport, New York)
Siggy, conked out on the couch! so cute.
– Trisha, NYC
Alice Olive says:
Siggy looks very cute!
Sarah Zb says:
They're all gorgeous but look at the expression on Margot's face. How precious! I love Gertie too. Haven't seen a sheepadoodle before 🙂
Nancy with Life...Dzined says:
This is exactly what furniture is for!!!
Maria says:
Hello !
I love Mondays because of your blog…but I must say that the dog with the cut ears and bandanges shocked me.
Here in Switzerland such things are forbidden because it is animal cruelty.
Needless to say I look forward to next week.
Beautiful blog !
Bravo !
Bonne journée à tout le monde, pets included !
Laura says:
Love the upholstery on Thumper's wing chair. Did you get it like that? Or refurbish. It's gorgeous.
Rachel says:
Hi Laura,
We purchased Thumper's wing chair at Crate & Barrel. We were a bit worried that he would hurt it with his claws. Lucky for us, our three-legged little one loves pawticures–and purrs when we clip his nails. So far, he hasn't hurt the fabric.
R&B (Rachel and Bill)
Ali says:
Cathy and Rob, I love your pillows! and your pup of course.
Nicole says:
What lunatic forced that poor dog to have an unnecessary operation on her ears? It disgusts me the way that people use plastic surgery on animals. It's about time vets started to refuse to perform unneeded surgery. That's already the case in Europe where any such interventions are illegal: de-clawing cats, docking dogs' tails (unless essential for the work the dog does). One would expect any civilised country to properly protect animals.