If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!
Here’s Pinot in her favorite chair – maybe because it provides a natural camouflage?
– Karen (Norfolk, Virginia)
Here’s our dwarfrabbit gang. (All from shelters) Our beloved sunshines. The first is Casimir (Long Hair Angora) Freshly trimmed because of the heat. The second under the chair is on the left Ringel and on the right Blanca. (She’s deaf but nevertheless the Boss of the whole family 😉 ) The third is Pippa on the left and Ringel on the right. (Both three-legged through accidents).
– Carmen (Karlsruhe, Southern Germany)
And one from me of Bernie napping on his favourite chair in the living room
Erin says:
Thanks for including Pierre lovely. Although the beautiful rag doll stole the show. They are such a stunning breed.
KiM says:
How could I not include that handsome devil? XOXO
Dana says:
I *love* the rug under Pinot’s chair. Anyone know where it is from?
Karen Eck says:
The company that makes that rug is called Nuloom and it comes in a few colors including black and cream. I think I found it on Rugs USA. It’s 100% wool and pretty affordable.
Dana says:
Thank you!