Monday’s pets on furniture

Posted on Mon, 18 Feb 2019 by KiM

If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!

This is Sofie, my 15 weeks old kitten. She’s a British Longhair and moved in three weeks ago. She’s adjusted pretty well, but pooped in her playtunell while I was cleaning today. Guess the vacuum and moving of furniture was too much for her… 
– Ingebjørg (Bislett, Oslo, Norway)

This is West Wise on the sofa in our little California get-away-from-winter cottage.  
Toni, aka Sparky

Some from me. Felix lounging on the sofa in the sun, and on pile of mail on the dining table, and Phoebe and Mimin captured at just the right moment.

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🌟Instagram reality check 🌟. I had a moment of hesitation before posting this photo. I LOVE this photo and really any that includes Eva and a plant. However, I usually get many unfollows whenever I include her. I get it, my account is about plants and how we incorporate them into our home..not about Eva. I'll admit I'm guilty of unfollowing accounts when they stray from their usual content. You know.. you find a feed that is about healthy recipes and next thing you know you're staring at someone's glutes and wondering how they got their pants on😂. Sorry, I was here for the spinach recipes, bye! The reality is that everyone is allowed to run their own show – they should post what they want, not what they think other people want. If others love it, great! If not, no problem! Social media is capable of some vicious mental games and I sure don't want to be a part of it. So here you have it, my lovely 9 month Monstera cutting hanging out with Eva on a fine Monday. No games, no strings, just showing you two things that I love that maybe you will love too✌️🐶🌿. #evasplants #reality . . . #monsteramonday #botanicalpickmeup #urbanjunglebloggers #love #plantsofinstagram #weloveplants #monsterafanclub #plantlover #furrybotanist #therealhouseplantsofinstagram #iloveplants #house_plant_community #greenthumb #indoorplant #decor #houseplantclub #houseplants #homedecor #indoorjungle #plantsmakepeoplehappy #apartmenttherapy #fortheloveofplants #instagood #urbanjungle #junglehouse #pausewithplants #embraceplants #monstera

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Bibi ist die Eroberung des Korbes von @miacaradesign mit Bravour gelungen 😸 ….während sich Jenne im Hintergrund, missgünstig mit ihrem alten, zerkratz…äh..zerschlissenen Sessel zufrieden gibt 😼 Wollt ihr Eurem Stubentiger auch eine Freude mit so einem tollen Katzenkorb machen? Dann seid ihr hier richtig 👋🏼 Wir verlosen einen ‘Nido’ Katzenkorb mit eurem Farbwunsch 🎉 Hinterlasst hier einen Kommentar, über welche Farbe ihr euch freuen würdet. Zur Auswahl stehen: Mint/weiß • Schiefer/weiß • Taupe/weiß • Um im Lostopf zu landen folgt uns und @miacaradesign 👏🏼 Mitmachen könnt ihr bis Sonntag, den 16.12. Ausgelost wird am Montagmorgen, damit das Körbchen noch vor Weihnachten auf die Reise zu der Gewinnerin/dem Gewinner gehen kann 🤗 Und nun sind erst mal alle Pfoten gedrückt 🐾 🐾 🐾 Werbung] / Kooperation • • • • • • • • #miacaradesign #miacara #catbed #katzenkorb #katzenbett #catdesign #cat #catsofinstagram #catstagram #interior #interiordesign #JenneMolleandBibi

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Meet #enidcat’s new body double #berylcat which was sent over by the lovely people @carocomms from the new @vitra collection. Now I don’t have to wait for Enid to come back from shopping to get the shot. And look at this seamless sideswipe. Saw it on @jhinteriordesign feed the other day and have been puzzling over it ever since. Then the @panoraapp was suggested to me and bingo. Basically shoot in landscape and feed into the £2.99 app. I love it. You will see it again on this feed. . . . #mondaymotivation #mondaymorning #slowdownindecember #greycat #bodydouble #enidcat #berylcat #cornerofmyhome #pocketofmyhome #pinkvelvet #reupholstery #reuse #howivintage #myvintageabode #styleitdark #colourmyhome #interiorinspo #mysittingroom #interiordecor #driedflowers #catoftheday #catsofinstagram #vitra #vitraaccessories

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Don’t be fooled by the sad, wistful look. Moments earlier this morning Pierre was rubbing his face everywhere as he had just snacked on 1 of the 30 smoked kangaroo bones I picked up on the weekend. Swipey swipe for the face that says I know something that you don’t, suck eggs. What like buying a coffee grinder on Saturday so you can have ground kangaroo liver on your dinner makes your farts smell worse than normal. Nope, already worked that one out. Pierre has also worked out walking into a room, farting, then leaving the scene of the crime is hilarious. #miniaturepoodle #poodlesofinstagram #perthpoodles #weeklyfluff #dtipetsonfurniture #dspets #aapets #ihavethisthingwithpink #vintageheadboard #poodlesrule #exceptforwhenhefarts #sometimesfartsandruns #itsagift #didyoujustfart #isthepopeacatholic

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Day 18 #myhousethismonth, Hygge Sunday. Over here we're getting up late, having a big veggie fry up, taking the dogs for a walk, picking up a few supplies in our local high street, then heading back for sofa time, lots of tea, a late lunch, and probably some red wine. Perfect. Hope you all have an equally lovely and relaxing day planned! . . . #bedroomdecor #bedroominspo #bedroomgoals #dslooking #interiordetails #interiores #interieur #interiorismo #myhomevibe #mystylishspace #styleithappy #mygorgeousgaff #myinteriorstyletoday #suyhome #myinterior #interiormilk #bhghome #apartmenttherapy #mydomaine #elledecor #mystylednest #interiorboom #rockininteriors #colourmyhome #howivintage #myvintageabode #finditstyleit #dtipetsonfurniture #aadogs

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April says:

Great pets and spaces. Always enjoy these.

axie says:


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