This 1908 home in Cambridge, Massachusetts is a wonderful example of showing an old home some love through a well-considered renovation that maintains character and history whilst adding some whimsical touches with colours and wallpapers. The result is a charming and completely approachable home. Designed by Mandarina Studio.
When the view is so spectacular you don’t need to upstage it. On the contrary good design celebrates it. Beach style done right. Bronte residence by Lane & Grove.
Using a small garden space creatively, especially a tiny backyard leading onto a laneway, opens up so much more living space in this inner Sydney terrace. Inside is out and out is in, boundaries are blurred and the home has an added dimension, an extra tropical room. Balmain backyard by Sticks and Stones.
Photography by Brigid Arnott
Dream loft alert! Curved ceiling moldings, picture-frame moldings, chevron hardwood floors, panelled doors, brass kitchen counter/sink/backsplash (!!!), oak panelling, a bathroom of epic proportions thanks to book-matched Calacatta Paonazzo marble…. Designed by Meyer Davis.
It has been a few years since I featured the work of Vancouver based design firm Hazel and Brown. It seems their modis operandi continues to be white and white and more white with some pale neutrals mixed in. It’s contemporary, inviting and timeless. (Photos: Ema Peters)