The Brazilian Selby

Posted on Wed, 21 Jul 2010 by KiM

Before I begin the main topic of this post, I just wanted to thank everyone who has left kind comments on the main blog and on my page regarding my upcoming wedding. The big day is Saturday, and due to the fact that this event is happening on the gorgeous property that is my parent’s backyard, there is ALOT of setting up and that sort of thing that needs to happen in the next couple of days. Because of this I will be taking a bit of a break from the blog starting tomorrow but I’ll be back on Tuesday (Jeff and I aren’t really having a honeymoon on account of the huge addition {=expense} we want to put on our house in the near future but we’ll be going to Prince Edward Island next month to visit Jeff’s family and friends). Jo is AS ALWAYS insisting she publish posts on my behalf because she is a hardass and doesn’t believe in breaks so you all won’t be missing anything. On that note have a great rest of the week and weekend and I’ll see you back here Tuesday!

The other day Rodgrido Martins, an interior designer from São Paulo Brazil, emailed with photos of his pooch for the latest pet post. At the end of his email there was mention of a website called Quarto & Sala. The site is a bit confusing as to what exactly the point is, but it seems like the Brazilian version of The Selby (a popular subject here as a couple weeks ago I blogged about the German version). It features wonderful photography of the homes of seemingly ordinary people who don’t really follow the “rules” of interior design. Which is why I love this site so much. The spaces are quirky and completely lived in, and many are filled with vintage finds. Some photos randomly chosen from the site are below. (Photographed by Gabriel Valdivieso and Maira Acayaba).


Susanne’s Swedish pad

Posted on Tue, 20 Jul 2010 by KiM

We received an email from Susanne Lindgren the other day who wanted to share with us the Stockholm home her and her family had built which happens to be for sale (see listing here). It is ideally Swedish and perfection in every way. It is staged so beautifully I can’t imagine it not being snatched up immediately. The kitchen is incredible – I LOVE the black wall with black uppers. I love the concrete floors on the lower level and the whitewashed timber floors upstairs. I love all the carpets, love the bench in the hallway, and love the overall sparseness. I reeeeeeally wish I could live like that, without so much STUFF everywhere but it seems impossible. (Thank you Susanne!)

Monday’s pets on furniture – part 2

Posted on Mon, 19 Jul 2010 by KiM

If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don’t send me closeups of your pet!)

P.S. There will be no pet post next week as I’m getting married this weekend and taking a few days off, but keep the photos coming as the pet posts will continue the following week. Thx!

Here are 2 of my 3 big boys. The orange one is Fuzzy and the black and white is New Guy. All are rescue kitties. As you can see they enjoy spending time on our wrap around porch or veranda and are occasionally seen on my blog. In these photos Fuzzy can been seen on my rocking chaise lounge that I scored at a thrift store in San Diego about 5 years age and on in my daughter’s room on her pink vanity chair. He truly has no shame. New guy is also on the veranda on a white retro bench that I picked up at the Alameda Antique Fair a few months ago.
– Leah

Here is my little ginger kitty Daisy. She sleeps all day and stays out all night! Such a party animal.

We have three store dogs at our clothing boutique, V.O.D. In this photo, only our baby Daphne sticks to her own furniture – Diego takes a cozy nook in the bookcase while Rudy lounges on a Mies van der Rohe Brno chair!
– Jackie & Liz

Pup name: Mrs. X
– Jeff Nash (Albuquerque, NM)

My 1 year old English Bulldog, loves to sit on any couch and pillow possible.  If it’s soft and cushy, he’s all about it.  Here he is laying on my living room sofa in front of my favorite striped wall!
– Kelsey

These floor cushions are Daisy’s favorite napping spot. We think it’s very ‘The Princess and the Pea’.
– Lora (Cary, NC)

Rodrigo (São Paulo, Brazil)

Fiona on a slate West Elm club chair. CB2 napkin as an arm cover (to cover up some scratch marks of course).

My two Bichons, Cotton (on the left) and Wilson, on my white slip-covered Fradusco sofa (hence the Argentine poncho throw-over…).  Wilson is fine, but he insists on helping Cotton cure her injured leg by licking it, so for the time being they both have cones and run around the house crashing into furniture.
– Deb (an Australian living in Mendoza, Argentina)

Our Black & White Mini Dachshund Lulu & Sadie visiting CT for the weekend. We have their full attention when we eat.
– Joomi (New York City)

Monday’s pets on furniture – part 1

Posted on Mon, 19 Jul 2010 by KiM

If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to and PLEASE don’t send me closeups of your pet!)

P.S. There will be no pet post next week as I’m getting married this weekend and taking a few days off, but keep the photos coming as the pet posts will continue the following week. Thx!

French Fry on my Tiger rug in the safari themed corner of my apartment.
– Stephanie

This one year old Finn on my wingchair in my bedroom.
– Nicholas

Attached is a photo of “Baby” my darling little pug sitting on an Ektorp ikea chair and white slipcover sofa in the background. She is always ready to pose at a moment’s que.
– Jessica (Long Beach, CA)

This is a photo of Teddy, our 12 month old Pekingese.  At different times of the day, he sleeps in different chairs.  This is his afternoon nap chair.  And yes, he always sleeps with his head sticking out!
– Julia

Hi, this is our 10 months old cat Olivia. She is relaxing on our ikea pouf at the coolest room of the house…here it’s 35°.
– Alessandra & Riccardo (Venice, Italy)

Attached is “Mr. Kitty” making himself comfortable on a hall table.
– Dawn

This photo is of my two dogs jude (as in hey jude) and ella rigby on a vintage sofa that was given to me by my friend.
– James (Ottawa)

Jasmine reclining in a non-recliner.
– Adrienne

Please find attached some photos of my dog Dizel… Dizel is an aristocrat and he likes to look down at us from this vintage – style footrest. He invades all rooms, and his favourite sleeping spot is our bed, of course.
– Agnieszka (Lodz, Poland)

Here I have a picture of my cat and of one of my favorite chairs!