
Posted on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 by midcenturyjo

Have I got a treat for you! I’ve managed to get my hands on a retro book crammed with gorgeous designer solutions to all your tricky late 60s decorating problems. House & Garden Guide to Interior Decorating, The Conde Nast Publications London, 1967. With a tweak here and there to these rooms I feel I could be flipping through a glamour shelter magazine from today. Enjoy!


Posted on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 by midcenturyjo

… in my hallway

WINKS – weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we’ve found and things we think you’ll want to see. If you’d like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we’ll link you. So what’s in this week?

  • Kristine Baerlin emailed from her Brooklyn studio and I’m so glad she did. “My hand-painted portraits of children and families are a contemporary approach to the pop art tradition, each carefully planned with my client to best reflect their individual style and taste. Working together, we swap color ideas, decide on a size and determine the best photograph from which to work. I always love collaborating with new designers (with family clients), or even working directly with moms. You can learn more about my portraits at Figment Studio.” Forget the kids! I want one of me! Kristine I LOVE your work.
  • Melbourne based Miriam Bereson designs the cutest wall friezes, magnets and mirrors you’ll find. Wonderfully colourful with funky graphics her range is perfect for your little one’s room and don’t forget the fridge. Pop over to the website and check out the year planners. I so need one of these for next year! Thanks Adam for introducing us to Miriam’s work.
  • From humble kitchen object to must have everyday day, the tea towel has come a long way. The Nicholas Gallery in downtown Cincinnati has pulled together a show featuring 25 of today’s hottest artists and designers and their tea towel triumphs. Details here.
  • Julie from Boatman Geller emailed with news of a competition. “We are busy spreading the word about our new product carrie and tuck. To celebrate its upcoming release, we are giving away three carrie and tuck note totes! Would you like to win a carrie and tuck note tote in the color of your choice? Just comment on our blog and tell us why and where you will be taking your note tote this summer. We will choose three lucky winners on July 31st!”
  • This gorgeous chair is the Formula chair designed by Matthias Demacker for ARRMET. Presented during the Salone del Mobile in Milan, it just the latest in Matthias’ award winning range of furniture. Take the time to explore his website. There are some amazing pieces.
  • It’s official. This week saw the launch of the DMShop Directory: Where Design is Found. Design Milk polled readers to find out what they wanted most, and an overwhelming 50% of readers wanted a shopping directory for products and services. With categories from architects to web design with everything in between (art galleries, home decor, stationery and more) listing in the directory is completely free. Site owners can visit here to add their sites. The rest of us can click on over and check it out. What a great resource in the making!
  • Photographer Gemma Comas< /a> has new work on her blog and it’s beautiful!
  • Finally Adelle sent me a link to her new blog. She’s only just started but already she’s posting great finds. Need a good online outdoor fabric source in Australia check out what Adelle found here. Welcome to the blogosphere!

I want to live here!

Posted on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 by midcenturyjo

Did you see this gorgeous apartment in Valerie Pasquiou’s portfolio? It’s the SoHo loft of Sue Hosteler, author of Hip Hollywood Homes. I want to move in right away. I love the minimalist feel with just enough midcentury clutter. I know, I know it’s an amazing loft space and with classic pieces in such a stunning white envelope you could hardly go wrong but Valerie and Sue have nailed it.

Valerie Pasquiou

Posted on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 by midcenturyjo

Loving the signature style of Valerie Pasquiou The website says it best, “Undeniably modern yet able to blend different world cultures with a variety of historic periods, Valerie Pasquiou’s designs are refreshingly unique and consistently timeless.” There is a definite zen like feel to these very livable spaces. Valerie believes in the importance of the personal in her designs. No cold soul-less “art gallery” rooms with the trophy modern sofa.

Ashley Roi Jenkins

Posted on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 by midcenturyjo

Whether it’s designing her own office space to bachelor pads and commercial spaces Ashley Roi Jenkins has a hip and fresh style. She’s also at home fusing historical details with the modern and practical. The first few pictures are of her own design office (contained within her San Francisco home) and wow, I love it. Clever use of closet space as office space.

Images by Ed Ritger