If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #dtipetsonfurniture. Thanks!
This is my cat Egon, located in Berlin, Germany. The cool, leather sofa is the perfect place for him to hang out on hot summer days.
– Lisa
Some from me 🙂 All of the cats are loving my new sofa (more on that addition to my home Wednesday). Mimin posing on top of a vintage cabinet in my upstairs hallway. And Bernie asleep on my antique grandfather chair.
If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #dtipetsonfurniture. Thanks!
If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #dtipetsonfurniture. Thanks!
Some from me. I will talk more about this in a future post, but there’s a new sofa gracing my living room and the cats are absolutely loving it. And I am too! Here is a glimpse of it featuring Mimin, and I threw a coverlet over it to keep the claw/fur off so Lucky decided to bury under it yesterday morning when it was cool out, and Bernie insisted on snuggling with Felix on it.
If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!
Here are the pictures of our precious Australian Cockatiels 10 years old Kejo (in full yellow crown) and 8 years old Vinjie (gray crown). They love to take a nap and perch on cashmere throws while playing with the fringes and also looking out through the window enjoying the view. My husband’s name is Kevin and I’m Jojie. We combined the syllables of our names which came up to KE – JO and VIN – JIE.
– Kevin and Jojie (Chicago, Illinois)
From me: The first 2 I snapped while enjoying coffee in bed yesterday morning. Semi-feral Bernie was looking for some loving, and Mimin loves to nap on my second pillow where she can hide from the ferals. And a priceless photo of Lucky who always needs to lean on something when he’s napping.
Bonus: thank you to Andrea for sending me a link to this “Neko Cup”
If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!
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Friday naps for Bea, new DATE WEAVING in the CAMP Shop, weekend plans I see you.
From me: Bernie on our cardboard “sofa” that he absolutely adores. He’s going to hate it when the real sofa finally arrives. And photo #2 shows the rug I bought from West Elm that hopefully works with the new sofa. The cats clearly approve. And the last 2 are of the cats lounging in the catio. They clearly did not give a crap that it was brutally hot here last week.