In keeping with the architecture theme of yesterday, I thought I’d share another firm I recently came across on my internet travels. Located in Seattle, Johnston Architects creates modern oases with strategically placed windows to drink in all the breathtaking views. The magnificent views and landscapes paired with such creative architecture results in spectacular residences that must be the envy of all the neighbours.
Want to get lost in a portfolio that is so spectacular that you won’t be able to tear yourself away until every image is devoured? My new photographer crush is Vangelis Paterakis. Beautiful, beautiful photographs of equally stunning buildings. It is easy to see that Paterakis is a talented artist and that’s not only with the camera. His work has been in Wallpaper, the Architectural Digest and the Andrew Martin-Interior Design Review. There are so many interior stories on his website that I decided to feature just one. It highlights Paterakis’ understanding of light, how he captures the essence of a space and how he tempts us with each image to explore further. The house is an idyllic Greek retreat complete with Mediterranean view, a modern home anchored solidly in the past.
Still here? Rush now to Paterakis’ website.
The Stockholm architecture firm of Widjedal Racki Bergerhoff are an über-talented group of three who create modern residential masterpieces. I don’t imagine anyone living in these homes would ever want to leave. I sure as hell wouldn’t. You’d have to bury me among the rocky landscape.
Yes you read right… reader’s home. Laura from NYC emailed us these pictures of her rental. Yes you read right… rental. Apparently she’s been looking at Desire to Inspire religiously to find inspiration for the most recent apartment she rented in NYC. Laura didn’t want to spend a lot of money, so she did a lot of the decorating by painting the walls with frames and buying furniture on eBay. (Laura I need to know your secret sources on eBay! Spill the beans! And seriously those windows are to die for.) Sadly Laura may be leaving her apartment soon as she is bidding to buy a place in the west village in NYC and is already pulling 100’s of pictures for inspiration. Don’t feel too sad if you don’t get the new place though Laura. Your current home is perfect!
Just to round it out another picture of the bedroom (artwork by Russell Young) but this time with a gratuitous dog in shot. Hehe it’s Laura’s frenchie Alaia.
Is there anything cooler than a bed on wheels that slides onto a deck so you can sleep under the stars, or huge sliding doors that open a space to the outdoors, or window seats with incredible views, or little bed niches? I THINK NOT. Fernau & Hartman Architects make all that happen and then some.