If you’d like to send us photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow our basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. (Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture…and your pet happens to be sitting on it). And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s REALLY dark or fuzzy (from a camera phone) then it may not make the cut. Thanks! (Photos can be sent to desiretoinspirekim[@]hotmail[.]com and PLEASE don’t just send me closeups of your pet!!!)
“I really enjoy your blog, and think the “pets on furniture” column is so funny. I wanted to submit a few pictures of my Border Collie Rescue ‘Mazie’ sitting on my vintage Knoll desk chair. Every time I get up from my desk, she hops up and sits down for a rest……I really wish she would get some of my work done for me while she’s up there!”
– Christie
“I really appreciate your Pet’s on Furniture posts; love to see my 2 passions together: furniture and pets. Here are some photos for you: Olive loves hanging out in her Kartell Componibili. It’s a well designed hiding spot.”
– Stephanie
“I love your Pets on Furniture feature, but didn’t think I’d ever have a photo to send because we’ve been pretty strict about limiting our greyhounds to their own beds. But when Otis claimed the fainting couch soon after coming home with us last November, I knew it would only be a matter of time…”
– Amy
“I am enclosing a photo of my three cats Mahley, Scullie and Gustav on my aptly named “Big Animal” sofa from BluDot.”
– Laura
“This is my puppy, Starla, with Bear, sitting on my couch that my dad hates. It has a tree of life and a frigate on it, what’s not to love?”
– Cindy
“Please choose your fav- The girlzzzz look a little like conjoined twins on the cowhide and leather chair in our family room 🙂 They are Wheaten Terriers- Jane being the taller and sitting up in the above mentioned chair image. Frankie is the bad girl standing on the dining table- looks guilty doesn’t she?!”
– Julia
“My mischievous kitten Olive has found her favourite chair in the house, which also happens to be my favourite piece, our Louis XVI style chair. Olive and ‘Louis’ enjoy the afternoon sun together beside my vintage writing desk.”
– Sophie
“I would like to submit some photos of my dog, Otis on furniture. The first two are of him on his “throne,” and the last two are from when I hosted Thanksgiving in our tiny apartment last year. He has a way of sneaking into every photo I take.”
– Lindsey
“This is Ruffle, my friend Laura’s sweet kitten. She was rescued from a public park in Brooklyn, NY a few short weeks ago, and she likes to lounge anywhere from cardboard box beds to Laura’s upholstered antiques.”
– Bridget
“Too cool for school my siamese Kuzya didn’t even bother to look up while I was taking pictures. Figures, being chased after by a crawling little monster-baby is WORK 🙂”
– Nataliya
“Moose on the club chair (his breed is called Hungarian Vizsla). He just needs a fine single malt in one paw and a hand rolled cuban in the other.”
– Victoria
“it was suggested to me by a townhouse lady’s life that i submit richard to you…”
– Christian
“My friend’s dog Chie whom I was pet sitting – seems she felt right at home on my bed!”
– Jessica
“This is my Boston Terrier, Cooper, looking handsome on his favorite patio chair.”
– Meredith
I thought I’d slide a photo in here I took on Friday of one of my herd, Mimin. She jumped into one of the Expedit shelving units in my bedroom while I was taking photos of some rearranging I had done.
Lydia says:
Otis in the green chair…that just looks soooo comfy! It reminds me of when I was really little my mom would do laundry while my sister and I sat on the couch watching Saturday morning cartoons. She would bring in the fresh-out-of-the-dryer towels and t-shirts and pile them on top of us. Of course she was wanting us to fold them, but we would snuggle down and nap in the fresh, warm laundry instead. haha
rod pallain says:
To be interesting to see pets on furniture. Wow, so funny!!! Especially, Our sisters and brothers like dogs very much. I will share your nice and funny blog to them. 🙂
style odyssey says:
i LOVE your pets on furniture posts so much!!!
the calico kitty lounging on a philippe starck ghost chair is sweet…i have that chair but my pets never go on it.
all wonderful photos. i especially like the white retriever on the bed, luxuriating…"yeah, this isn’t really my bed, but you don’t mind…do you? i didn’t think so." <3
evie says:
awww great selection this week, I especially love Otis the greyhound on the sofa – gorgeous!
Karen Johnston says:
I always look forward to your Monday pets on furniture posts.
Otis made me smile.
I’m thinking that shot would make a great cover for ‘the coffee table book’ .
Bailey@peppermintbliss.com says:
Do you know how happy these make me. Very Very Happy. I should send in a picture of my fine furniture loungers, but until then, Moose is the most hilarious creature I have ever seen. Bring him his scotch STAT!
Lauren (pen.ny) says:
I so look forward to this every week. Such great photos! And a GREAT idea!
midcenturyjo says:
I think this is the best pets post yet. They are all simply too cute (and cheeky). I must admit though that my heart has always belonged to Richard ( and Mona but I guess Christian hasn’t ever caught her on the furniture).
Tammy@InStitches says:
I love this ! I will be sending you some pics of my pup on furniture.
Neeraj Tekwani says:
I really think this is the best & new look pets post.these photos are nice & cute.i m share ur blog with my friends & brother.