OMG! OTT! If only I could find myself lounging the day away at this riotous riad. A pleasure palace, a hedonist hideaway, a haven of over-indulgence. Too much? Never! Another gob smackingly wonderful location from the Hi-Location agency.
The latest issue of Inside Out magazine is here and it’s full of yummy room candy and inspiration. Managing editor Lee Tran Lam kindly sent over some pics from the story on NZ fashion dynamo Karen Walker‘s home. Wow! I’m a sucker for anything by Vico Magistretti and those red dining chairs are amazing. The stylist on the story was Katie Lockhart and photographer Emma Bass. On page 41 you’ll even find a little piece on Desire to Inspire. I’m doing a happy dance because I’m in one of my favourite magazines! Thanks for featuring us Inside Out.
P.S. Don’t forget if you live outside Australia you don’t have to miss out on one of the best interiors magazines around. You can subscribe through Zinio.
As I mentioned earlier, here are some cool wall art projects Courtney Wotherspoon came up with for a Toronto restaurant called l’ouvrier (more photos here).
Courtney Wotherspoon is a Toronto-based illustrator and graphic designer who occasionally dabbles in interior design as well. I love her décor portfolio – it’s eclectic, unpretentious and cool. (Later today, some fun wall projects Courtney came up with for a restaurant)
Couldn’t resist featuring another apartment on the books at locations agency Hi-Location. White and wood, wallpaper and vintage. I’d hire it for a photo shoot and never want to leave.