White on white with archways of light. Really couldn’t get any better. A fabulous apartment from locations agency Hi-Location. Rugged brick walls, stunning windows and stylish contemporary furniture. The best of European venues and locations from this young, dynamic Milan based agency.
We’ve featured Polish interior designer Lucyna Kołodziejska‘s work a few times in the past (here, here and here), and she emailed recently with yet another fabulous small apartment she designed. This apartment is in Sopot, it is designed for rent, for weekends, for tourist that want to feel some atmosphere of old XIX town Sopot. It is in new building but me and my principal wants to get a climate of old town apartment. It have one bedroom and small bathroom, living room with open kitchen. We have there big photograph of Sopot pier by some Portugal (!) photographer who sold us this photo. In bathroom old morrocan tiles on the floor and photo of Baltic sea made by myself. The flat is 200 metres near the sea side.
If you’d like to send me photos to include in next week’s “pets on furniture” post, please ensure your photos follow my basic rules: First, the pet must be on a piece of furniture. And said piece of furniture must be clearly visible in the photo, so it takes center stage rather than your pet. Think of it more of a photo of a great piece of furniture that you want to show off…and your pet happens to be sitting on it. And second, the photo must be of decent quality. If it’s dark or fuzzy then it may not make the cut. Photos, your name, location and a brief description can be sent to desiretoinspirekim@hotmail.comand PLEASE don’t send closeups of your pet! Thanks!
This is Charlie & Mocha
– Hien
Here are two photos of my beautiful Boxer Mix, Daisy. 6 years old from Saint Louis. She always looks so regal to me.
– Karen
Here’s a photo of my sister’s pets, India (the cat) and Rufino (the dog) catching a few rays on and near her mid-century chair which she had covered with a Brazilian coffee bean sack. Rufino is an ex street dog who followed my niece home one day and never left. Can’t say I blame him!
– Deb (Bariloche, Argentina)
Please find enclosed two pictures of my dog Trinket a tiny Yorkie who doesn’t like to be on the floor but prefers sofas or chairs, if not my arms. These dogs aren’t called “lap dogs” for nothing! The first picture (on the leather chair) was taken at my mother’s place, in the Alps region of France (Savoie) and the second picture (on the grey outdoor chair) was taken on an hotel balcony in Spain (Catalonia).
– Christele (Savoie, France)
Nisha, our slightly neurotic black cat sits atop the living room couch and Lona, our beloved tailless tortie on top of the dining room table.
– Joanna (Pennsylvania)
This is my sweet 8 yr old Maggie…..she spends every morning over looking her backyard on the comfy La-Z-Boy Sofa
– Debi
This is Sookie (in Seattle WA) and she likes to build forts. The Big Brown Chair is her favorite, but she can work with almost any piece of furniture, and has many different “poses”.
– Eileen
Hendrix makes the Gus Modern sectional his home.
– Erin (Austin, TX)
It’s my birthday after all! Tierra 1 year old, airedale-standard poodle
– Claudine (Granby, Québec)
These are my dogs, Penny (white one) and Lady (black one) sitting on their favorite couch. I know there’s a blanket on the couch, but the couch is very appreciative that it is!
p.s. And no, I did NOT put them this way!
– Maria
This is Pippa resting on her favorite piece of furniture after a hard day doing what she likes best: playing and being curious.
– Raluca
This is Sancho, fooling around on our brown leather couch.
– Raquel (Santo André, Brasil)
Repeat offender. That’s what I am. I do have the excuse that we got a new kitten. His name is Christmas (the white one) as he popped into our back garden Christmas day. Pics are on the back enclosure. I sent you a few shots of him and one that includes Fat Farrah (black one).
– Pam
Richard Leplastier is a significant force in Australian architecture and education. His is a gentle force though. His buildings respond not only to the physical site but the spirit of place. A simple but deeply meaningful relationship to home and land and culture. Angophora House is in Avalon, Sydney, home to a builder who has crafted other Leplastier designs. It is not often I stumble upon such gems while real estate stalking. A series of pavilions sits gently on the slope in intimate contact with a grove of Angophora trees. Relaxed and natural it is none the less highly designed and carefully formed. At one with its environment. Peaceful. Gentle. Beautiful. Link here while it lasts.
Zana Lokmer is an artist, a stylist, a jewellery maker. She lamented to me that she is not a photographer. Zana I love the pictures you have shared with us. A bright and cheery front door with the family rules, a cute as a button kitchen, a cosy living area and a view of a garden and deck I can only dream of. A lovely home full of personal touches. You can find Zana’s etsy store here. You may have to race me for a necklace though.