If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!
lounging on new year’s day, Rickie
– Marilyn
all art and no bite
– Donna (Northern Wisconsin)
Our two pugs, Moon (age 10) and Mischa (age 13) enjoying a little quiet time over the holidays.
– Heather (Seattle, WA)
The following photo is from my sister Jen. I bought this pink chair at Highjinx for my niece for Christmas. The story over the holidays was that my sister and brother-in-law had to carry the heavy chair around from room to room because my niece insisted on lounging on it wherever she was. Now the story is Spencer, one of their 3 cats, has discovered it and has claimed it as his favourite spot. (The print above it was a gift from me a while back from Stay Home Club)
And some from me. The best captures of my herd are on the bed, so here’s another one where some serious cat puddles were happening (on my Magic Linen duvet cover).
Felix loves the Green Light District chair.
Lucky isn’t ancient as far as cats go, but he’s been showing his age lately (14?) so I’m giving him scritches and shooting his adorableness as often as I can. Here he passed out at my spot at the dining table.
axie says:
Wonderful! A room isn’t quite complete without a pet in it 🙂
E greg says:
Love pets on the furniture! Love your Magic Linens bedding ! Do you recommend the bedding is it real linen?
KiM says:
Of course it’s real linen! The only linen that tops it is the antique linen bedding they use on at the Hacienda San Angel in Puerto Vallarta.